New supporting graphics and photos added to the PPO license test study material test question packages!

The biggest organization of BSIS-licensed professionals in the world,, has added many supporting graphics and photos their Private Patrol Operator licensing examination test sample questions & answers practice tests.

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For more than 20 years, thePIgroup has helped security officers to obtain their license to sell security services to the public. This license is known as a Private Patrol Operator (PPO) license. The study material exhaustively involves ALL topics on all versions of the licensing exams.

Michele Yontef of to speak at PI luncheon

Tucson private investigator Michele Yontef of to speak at the Los Angeles PI luncheon of thePIgroup later this month. She has long been considered to be the 'go-to' person for telecommunication investigations, including subpoena of records. She will explain the true information of what is available and what is NOT available.

Members Only; contact for date, time, and location.

Ms. Yontef can be reached at: